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Preventative maintenance
Gutter Cleaning

Gutters require cleaning, sealing, realigning, and inspecting gutter boards. It is an activity that most people pass on to the Single-Family Home Resident. However, the risk of damage is too high to be covered in a security deposit and servicing gutters is not an activity tenants know how to do properly and, in many cases, do not have the tools necessary to do it.
Climbing the ladder to clean gutters can be dangerous. Tenants will see this as an added benefit and consider this activity when making a releasing decision.
Clogged gutters are often the cause of many water-related damages that occur to your home. When your gutters are clogged and water isn’t being properly diverted away from your foundation, you could be facing devastating and costly damage repairs.
The average cost of gutter cleaning is $150 with most homeowners spending between $110 and $185 or from $0.50 to $1.50 per linear foot. Gutter cleaning costs between $125 and $250 in a two-story home with 200 linear feet of gutters.

Our extensive checklist focuses on reducing the chance of:
Freezing up due to dirty coils (a/c coil blocked by ice)
Freezing up due to low refrigerant
Upper limit lockout due to restricted air flow
Cracked heat exchange coils due to overheating
High energy bills due to poorly maintained equipment
Compressor failure due to low refrigerant
Air conditioning failure due to bad capacitor
Hazardous gas leaks due to loose fittings
In our continuous efforts to provide the best possible experience for our property owners, residents, and the team here at LREI Property Management, LLC we’re pleased to announce our new partnership with Second Nature. Second Nature is the #1 air filter subscription company in the world and helps property managers reduce HVAC related maintenance calls by up to 40% every year while lowering residents’ heating and cooling bills by up to 15% month over month . . . and has been doing so since 2014!
Over the past several years we’ve realized that, despite their best efforts, residents are generally not in the habit of regularly changing their air filters. In fact, the national average of residents that change filters reliably is about 10%. Despite it being standard in the lease agreement that this is a resident responsibility, it gets neglected because it is out of sight and out of mind. Whether it be a function of simply forgetting, not being able to find the right size or quality of filter in the store, or not even knowing what an air filter is, residents and homeowners alike desire a more consistent, convenient approach to this mundane chore. It often becomes too little too late before anyone realizes the filter needs to be changed, and the result usually comes in the form of a high-dollar HVAC service bill.
In networking with some of the premier property management companies across the country it became clear that the ideal solution was to partner with Second Nature.
We negotiated a volume-based discount so that residents receive the exact size and quantity of high-quality pleated, wire-backed filters (not the cheap fiberglass ones) on their doorstep at the exact time they need to change them. Residents pay for the service and we see they are happy to save money and time over going to the store. Each filter will have an expiration date stamped on it (so we can ensure compliance) and instructions on how, where, and why the resident should change their air filter. Perhaps more importantly, we’ll be updating our lease agreements and lease renewals to ensure all parties have clear expectations of accountability. You’ll notice these changes for your property the next time we sign a new lease or renew your current lease.